Claude Dalley


Claude Dalley claims to have always had an interest in photography, but it wasn't until after retiring from the B.C. Government to become an avid Rver that he had time to more actively pursue this leisure activity.

Travelling extensively through out the south western United States, Alaska and making trips across Canada presented Claude with numerous photo opportunities. Digital Photography allowed him the luxury of taking thousands of photos while learning his craft.

Wanting to take photographs that were more than just holiday's remembrances, Claude purchased a Canon EOS D-SLR and enrolled himself in several digital photography courses. 2005 marked the transformation from hobby to craft as he worked in earnest perfecting techniques and putting into practice the knowledge he'd gained along with tips picked up from more experienced photographers.

Prior to moving to the Comox Valley on December of 2006, Claude was and active member of the Victoria Camera Club.

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Claude Dalley claims to have always had an interest in photography, but it wasn't until after retiring from the B.C. Government to become an avid Rver that he had time to more actively pursue this leisure activity.

Travelling extensively through out the south western United States, Alaska and making trips across Canada presented Claude with numerous photo opportunities. Digital Photography allowed him the luxury of taking thousands of photos while learning his craft.

Wanting to take photographs that were more than just holiday's remembrances, Claude purchased a Canon EOS D-SLR and enrolled himself in several digital photography courses. 2005 marked the transformation from hobby to craft as he worked in earnest perfecting techniques and putting into practice the knowledge he'd gained along with tips picked up from more experienced photographers.

Prior to moving to the Comox Valley on December of 2006, Claude was and active member of the Victoria Camera Club.

Claude Dalley claims to have always had an interest in photography, but it wasn't until after retiring from the B.C. Government to become an avid Rver that he had time to more actively pursue this leisure activity.

Travelling extensively through out the south western United States, Alaska and making trips across Canada presented Claude with numerous photo opportunities. Digital Photography allowed him the luxury of taking thousands of photos while learning his craft.

Wanting to take photographs that were more than just holiday's remembrances, Claude purchased a Canon EOS D-SLR and enrolled himself in several digital photography courses. 2005 marked the transformation from hobby to craft as he worked in earnest perfecting techniques and putting into practice the knowledge he'd gained along with tips picked up from more experienced photographers.

Prior to moving to the Comox Valley on December of 2006, Claude was and active member of the Victoria Camera Club.

In the last few years Claude's work has not only been selected for several juried Fine Art Shows but has earned awards. In addition to Fine Art Shows , numerous photographs taken by Claude have been selected for display at the Comox International Airport. He has also been published in Photographers FORUM-Best of Photography 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 plus published in the 2011 - 2013 and 2014 Comox Valley Tourist Guide. Claude is also a member of the Comox Valley Camera Club.

Claude is currently an active and enthusiastic member of the Comox Valley Community Arts Council, the Comox Valley Art Gallery,the Campbell River Arts Council, the Campbell River Art Gallery, and the Pearl Ellis Art Gallery.